Tuesday, 19 December 2017

My pephe-summer learning journey

90668006.jpgKo maungakiekie_______________________ te maunga   
Ko _waitemata_______________________ te awa         
Ko _Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi_______________________ te waka
Ko _Nana Nyree____________________ tōku tīpuna
Ko orakei________________________ tōku iwi         
Ko Waikato________________________ tōku hapu
Ko orakei________________________ tōku marae
Ko New zealand________________________ ahau
Ko_Mary_______ rāua ko ivan___________ōku mātua  

Ko __Eva______________________ tōku ingoa. My name is …

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva,

    My name's Ruby and I'm one of the people who will be blogging with you over summer as part of the Summer Learning Journey. It's great to see that you've been working away on these activities! Well done!

    Great work. I think that knowing your pepeha is important because it allows for us to acknowledge our ancestors and also helps us to know more about ourselves. Have you written your pepeha before?

    It would be great if you could tell me some more about your founding ancestor? That would be a great way to find out some more about you.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer.


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