Saturday, 20 January 2018

Eva Hiking Tongariro-Summer Learning journey


The Things that i would bring to climb Tongariro is water because when you
get dehydrated you can have a drink of water. also i would plan when me and
my friends were going and what time. also i would bring some food beacause
when we have a break climbing the mouton we can just have a snack. also i would
bring hiking boots,Layers of warm clothes,gloves and sunscreen. also i would cheak
the weather so it's Ok when me and my friends are hiking.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eva, thanks for completing another activity. I'm happy to see you working really hard and blogging lots of your summer break. I think bringing water would be a good idea. I don't think you could hike the Tongariro Crossing without water.

    What sort of snacks would you bring?

    It's always a good idea to check what the weather is doing so you know what kind of clothes you'll need to bring.

    What would you have for breakfast on the morning of the hike? Remember you will need to have something that is going to give you lots of energy throughout the day.

    Thanks, Billy


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